Record details

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Details of the location of the dwelling
Census County District Civil Parish Piece Enumeration District Folio Page House Number House or Street Name
1841 Warwickshire (WAR) Birmingham Birmingham 1146 09 38 1 Blue Coat Charity School
Details of each person in the dwelling
Surname Forenames Sex Age Occupation Birth County Notes
FOSTER William James M 25 Master Out of County
PAINTER Mary Ann F 30 Mistress & Matron Warwickshire
COOPER John M 25 Assistant Teacher Out of County
SMART Matthew M 15 Assistant Teacher Warwickshire
WALKER Clara F 25 Assistant Teacher Out of County
TYTHER Elizabeth F 15 Assistant Teacher Out of County
PITT Jane F 35 Female Servant Out of County
YATES Rebecca F 25 Female Servant Warwickshire
SMITH Mary F 20 Female Servant Out of County
BIRTLES Robert M 13 Pupil Warwickshire
CHAMBERS Edwin M 13 Pupil Warwickshire
COOKE William M 11 Pupil Warwickshire
DUDDLESTONE Hugh M 12 Pupil Out of County
EDEN William M 14 Pupil Warwickshire
GRIFFIN Alfred M 12 Pupil Warwickshire
GOODE John M 13 Pupil Warwickshire
HART William M 13 Pupil Warwickshire
JONES John M 13 Pupil Warwickshire
MARSTON Edwin M 12 Pupil Warwickshire
MOLE Charles M 12 Pupil Warwickshire
MURROWOOD Josiah M 13 Pupil Out of County
OAKES Frederick M 12 Pupil Warwickshire
PARKER George M 12 Pupil Warwickshire
RUDGE Edward M 13 Pupil Warwickshire
RYDER William M 13 Pupil Warwickshire
SHEFFIELD James M 13 Pupil Warwickshire
THOMPSON Edward M 12 Pupil Warwickshire
WINN Charles M 12 Pupil Warwickshire
WILLISON Thomas M 12 Pupil Warwickshire
BAILEY James M 12 Pupil Warwickshire
CHESSHIRE John M 12 Pupil Out of County
EVANS William M 13 Pupil Warwickshire
EUSTACE Charles M 12 Pupil Warwickshire
FORDE George M 12 Pupil Warwickshire
GREENSILL Thomas M 11 Pupil Warwickshire
GREEN Robert M 12 Pupil Warwickshire
HEATH Richard M 13 Pupil Warwickshire
POWELL William M 13 Pupil Warwickshire
PRIEST Samuel M 11 Pupil Warwickshire
SEALES William M 12 Pupil Warwickshire
SMALLWOOD John M 13 Pupil Warwickshire
TOLLEY William M 13 Pupil Warwickshire
TAYLOR Richard M 12 Pupil Warwickshire
UNDERHILL James M 12 Pupil Warwickshire
BOLTON Samuel M 11 Pupil Warwickshire
GOUGH Thomas M 11 Pupil Warwickshire
GREEN Orlando M 11 Pupil Warwickshire
JONES William M 10 Pupil Warwickshire
JORDAN George M 11 Pupil Out of County
LUCKETT Joseph M 11 Pupil Warwickshire
LUCKETT George M 13 Pupil Warwickshire
PIPER John M 12 Pupil Warwickshire
KING Edmund M 11 Pupil Warwickshire
PLUMPTON Joseph M 12 Pupil Out of County
SIMPSON Thomas M 9 Pupil Warwickshire
SEALEY Thomas M 10 Pupil Warwickshire
SMITH Edwin M 13 Pupil Warwickshire
SMITH Norris M 12 Pupil Out of County
THURSTON Henry M 11 Pupil Warwickshire
WATKINS George M 11 Pupil Warwickshire
WATTON George M 11 Pupil Warwickshire
WARMINGHAM Thomas M 11 Pupil Warwickshire
BATE Humphrey M 12 Pupil Warwickshire
BREARLEY William M 11 Pupil Warwickshire
BOOTHE Joseph M 10 Pupil Warwickshire
BINNION Frederick M 12 Pupil Warwickshire
CLIVE Abraham M 10 Pupil Warwickshire
the person found in your search CHAPMAN James M 10 Pupil Born Overseas
HICKLIN Thomas M 10 Pupil Out of County
HARCOURT Henry M 11 Pupil Warwickshire
HINSLEY Henry M 9 Pupil Warwickshire
HINES William M 11 Pupil Warwickshire
KERRY James M 10 Pupil Warwickshire
LLOYD William M 9 Pupil Warwickshire
MORLEY Philip M 10 Pupil Warwickshire
MATTHEWS Thomas M 10 Pupil Warwickshire
TURNER Henry M 10 Pupil Warwickshire
THORNYWORK James M 11 Pupil Warwickshire
WILLETTS Henry M 12 Pupil Warwickshire
WILKINS Joseph M 9 Pupil Warwickshire
WHEELER Richd M 11 Pupil Warwickshire
BREARLEY Joseph M 12 Pupil Warwickshire
COLES Mathew M 10 Pupil Warwickshire
CRANMORE Thomas M 10 Pupil Warwickshire
MADDOX Henry M 10 Pupil Warwickshire
OWEN Alfred M 9 Pupil Warwickshire
POWELL Edward M 11 Pupil Warwickshire
SMITH Isaac M 11 Pupil Warwickshire
SHANNON Henry M 12 Pupil Warwickshire
VALE Edward M 10 Pupil Warwickshire
WILEY George M 11 Pupil Out of County
HARRISON George M 10 Pupil Warwickshire
HUNTER Edward M 9 Pupil Warwickshire
HARRIS Peter M 11 Pupil Warwickshire
AVERY Hannah F 13 Pupil Warwickshire
BENWELL Elizth F 13 Pupil Out of County
BENNETT Ellen F 13 Pupil Warwickshire
BULLIVANT Mary Ann F 13 Pupil Warwickshire
BARR Louisa F 12 Pupil Warwickshire
BROOKES Maria F 12 Pupil Warwickshire
CANTRILL Ann F 11 Pupil Warwickshire
DUNN Emma F 12 Pupil Out of County
DAVIS Zillah F 11 Pupil Warwickshire
DAVIS Emma F 11 Pupil Warwickshire
DAVIS Eleanor F 10 Pupil Warwickshire
DEELEY Ellen F 10 Pupil Warwickshire
DIXON Mary F 10 Pupil Out of County
ELWELL Phebe F 11 Pupil Warwickshire
FLINT Emma F 11 Pupil Warwickshire
GOLD Hannah F 13 Pupil Out of County
GREEN Emma F 12 Pupil Warwickshire
GILL Anne F 11 Pupil Warwickshire
GRIFFITHS Eliza F 10 Pupil Warwickshire
GAILEY Mary Ann F 10 Pupil Warwickshire
HADLEY Eliza F 13 Pupil Warwickshire
HARWOOD Emma F 13 Pupil Out of County
HARWOOD Sarah F 11 Pupil Warwickshire
HILL Sophia F 11 Pupil Warwickshire
KIMBERLEY Emma F 12 Pupil Warwickshire
KEMPSON Sarah F 11 Pupil Warwickshire
LENCH Ann F 13 Pupil Warwickshire
MILLS Maria F 13 Pupil Warwickshire
MOORE Elizabeth F 13 Pupil Warwickshire
MARSHALL Emma F 12 Pupil Warwickshire
MATTHEWS Jane F 11 Pupil Warwickshire
OVERTON Jane F 10 Pupil Warwickshire
PEARSALL Mary Ann F 11 Pupil Warwickshire
PRICE Elizabeth F 11 Pupil Warwickshire
SHAW Sarah F 13 Pupil Warwickshire
SHELDON Lucy F 13 Pupil Warwickshire
SHUTTLEWORTH Sarah F 12 Pupil Warwickshire
SMITH Emily F 11 Pupil Warwickshire
SMITH Mary Ann F 11 Pupil Warwickshire
SIDWELL Amelia F 10 Pupil Warwickshire
VANDRANT Louisa F 11 Pupil Out of County
WALTERS Lucy F 13 Pupil Out of County
YARWOOD Catherine F 13 Pupil Warwickshire

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