Census: 1841
County: Midlothian (MLN)
District: Edinburgh
Civil Parish: Edinburgh
Piece: 685
Enumeration District: 9
Page: 10
House Number: 3
House or Street Name: Argyle Square
Surname Forenames Sex Age Occupation Birth County Notes
SKAE David M 27 Surgeon Midlothian
SKAE Sarah F 29 Out of County
SKAE David M 18m Midlothian
SKAE Charles M 2m Midlothian
MCCULLAGH Godfrey M 20 Medical Student Ireland
HINSH Henry M 20 Medical Student England
WEBSTER Catherine F 25 Female Servant Midlothian
BRUCE Agnes F 25 Female Servant Out of County
GRAHAM Lairesa F 20 Female Servant Midlothian