Record details

Printable Format
Details of the location of the dwelling
Census County District Civil Parish Ecclesiastical Parish Piece Enumeration District Folio Page Schedule House Number House or Street Name
1851 Dorset (DOR) Blandford Tarrant Crawford - 1853 1 219 20 10 -
Details of each person in the dwelling
Surname Forenames Relationship Marital Status Sex Age Occupation Birth County Birth Place Disability Notes
the person found in your search STEVENS William Head M M 36 Blacksmith Dorset Spetisbury
STEVENS Henrietta Wife M F 34 Dorset Spetisbury
STEVENS Edward Son - M 9 Scholar Dorset Tarrant Crawford
HAND Morgan Lodger U M 12 Scholar Dorset Camp Down
HAND Richard Lodger U M 8 Scholar Dorset Tarrant Crawford

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