Census Year 1861
County Devon (DEV)
Census District St Thomas
Enumeration District 10
Civil Parish Poltimore
Ecclesiastical Parish Poltimore
Where Census Taken Poltimore
Piece RG9_1388
Ward -
Constituency -
Page 1
Dwelling Number 361
House Number
House or Street Name

Surname Forenames Relationship Marital Status Sex Age Occupation Nationality Birth County Birth Place Disability Notes
BAMPFYLDE Augustus G H Head M M 23y Baron Poltimore London (City) (or Middlesex) London
the person found in your search BAMPFYLDE Florence Sarah Wilhamina Wife M F 21y Born Overseas France Paris British Subject
BAMPFYLDE C R G W The Hon Son - M 1y Devon Poltimore
CUTHBERT George Servnt M M 34y Butler Suffolk Wattisfield
HARRIS Mary Servnt M F 70y House Keeper Yorkshire Leeds
GROGAN George Servnt M M 31y Cook Middlesex London
GROGAN Louisa Servnt M F 30y Ladys Maid Middlesex London
WOODMAN Henry Servnt U M 25y Footman Hampshire Basingstoke
TUCK John Servnt U M 28y Under Butler Suffolk Langham
WATERHOUSE Agness Servnt W F 26y Nurse Middlesex Pimlico
PARKHOUSE Ellen Servnt U F 18y Nurse Maid Devon (or Dorset) Musbury probable pob
LOCK Lucy Servnt U F 22y House Maid Hampshire Hurstbourne (or Hurstborn) unable to determine pob
YELLAND Emma Servnt U F 23y House Maid Devon Exeter
CLAPP Jane Servnt U F 24y House Maid Devon Bradninch
PARKER Ann Servnt U F 32y Laundry Maid Wiltshire Minety
BICKMAN Mary Ann Servnt U F 22y Laundry Maid Lancashire Liverpool
DAY Frances Servnt U F 26y Still Room Maid Wiltshire Salisbury
JOY Susan Servnt U F 27y Kitchen Maid Kent Linton
FROST Mary Servnt U F 19y Scullery Maid Devon Rewe
DINNES John Servnt U M 17y Stable Boy Cambridgeshire Croxton (or Coxton)

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